Motorcycles were made to ride in cold weather!
Motorcycle maintenance is essential to assist with avoiding mechanical issues and unforeseen misfortunes. Your motorcycle like your body requires investment of tender loving care to give you satisfactory performance to live for the ride during the winter just like you do in the summer. The motorcycle manual provides the prescription for motorcycle maintenance by the mileage on the odometer. It is crucial not to abuse your machine between service appointments and make a habit to inspect your motorcycle before you ride.
Make sure the rubber on your tire can grip the pavement at lower temperatures and if you plan to ride in the snow, on ice or mud consider tires with studs. Check your tires to ensure the pressure inflation is accurate, there is no exposure of wire or metal coming out of the rubber, there are no nails, screws or hole punctures and flat spots because cold tires limit traction.
Check your motorcycle owner’s manual to see if you can use thinner oil during the winter months to improve performance and if you can use antifreeze in the radiator if your motorcycle is liquid cooled. have a water cooled.
You may consider adding a few accessories to your motorcycle such as windshield, hand guards, fairing and lower leg fairings to assist with blocking wind.
Make sure you know how much wattage your motorcycle alternator can handle before you hook up high watt items such as heated motorcycle gear to include vests, jacket liners, pants, gloves, insoles and socks to avoid burns so you can enjoy a warm luxury ride.
The goal is to keep your body warm and prevent heat from escaping from your head, feet and hands. Don’t layer too much to restrict body movement for operating your motorcycle safely. Start with a base layer to cover your body that also absorbs moisture to maintain body temperature throughout the ride. If you do not have a full body suit, be sure to check your motorcycle riding gear for air gaps by making sure you tuck your shirt inside your pants, wear wool socks, wear a neck collar, wear a half mask over your face inside your helmet not only to keep your face warm, but to prevent fogging up your face shield if it’s not fog free for safe visibility and wear gauntlet gloves under the jacket sleeve. Choose a fleece mid layer for warmth and an outer layer that is wind proof.
If you start shaking uncontrollably while riding your motorcycle because you are cold, find a place immediately to run hot water over your hands, sit inside and enjoy a hot cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate to warm your body.
Roadside motorcycle service comes with restrictions such as limited number of service calls for mechanical breakdowns within a certain time for battery, fuel, keys, flat tire, etc. Towing services are usually for mechanical issues only. For example, if you call to request a tow truck because you are not able to ride your motorcycle through a flooded intersection to get to the gas station for fuel after a rain storm, the company may not provide tow service because there is nothing wrong with your motorcycle.
You are at a greater risk of laying your motorcycle down during the winter because of wild animals and road conditions such as ice, cracks, gravel and salt. Check your motorcycle insurance policy to make sure you have protection in the event of an accident during off season months marked for winter storage or temporary lay-up, which suspends coverage to events related to a collision and your liability.
Plan a safe motorcycle ride, watch the weather forecasts and remember you have nothing to prove.